Setup k3s with LetsEncrypt and Traefik dashboard exposed

2022-02-16 5 Min. lesen Marco
About This article describes how to expose a Kubernetes instance running with k3s with TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt. The K3s installation will install a Traefik ingress on its default configuration. But it will not have a certificate resolver present and uses the Traefik default certificate. Versions K3s: v1.22.6+k3s1 (3228d9cb) K8s-Client: 1.23.3 K8s-Server: 1.22.6+k3s1 Traefik: 2.6.1 Traefik Helmchart: 10.9.100 Installation k3s The installation of k3s is quite simple. We are following the installation guide of k3s documentation on rancher. Weiterlesen